Monday, May 30, 2011

Monday Morning Blues

Oh! The week has ended again and I have arrived on the most dreaded day of the week "MONday". No body wants to work on Monday and Friday seems to be the most favorite day for everyone and is looked forward to. Common, let us see what makes us hate Monday.

  • As humans, we are inclined to avoid work and seek rest and this time arrives on weekends. The drudgery of getting out from a hiatus is very assuming on us and we do not want to come out of it. This is one of the reasons why we hate Monday.
  • We also hate Monday because thats when deadlines are set for the week and work has to begin. 
  • Some of us have the Performance Review meetings on Monday and that scares us to death and thats the reason Monday is avoided.
Let us now check out the ways in which we can at least love Monday( forget looking forward to it :-) 
  1. On the Sunday evening, prepare your mind for the work to be done on Monday
  2. Arrive at least 15 minutes early to the office, so that you can get "adjusted" to the new task that has to begin.
  3. Speak to your colleagues and find out what they have done on the weekend.
  4. Prepare well in advance for what you are going to show in those Performance Review meetings.

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